
Ежегодник Япония

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Политическая культура Японии

Об авторе

Т. Иногути
Университет Ниигаты

Список литературы

1. Иногути Такаси. Нихон сэйдзи бунка : [Политическая культура Японии] // Иногути Такаси. Сэйдзи рирон : [Политическая теория]. Токио: Минерва, 2015. v+278 p. 2015. С. 159-174.

2. Almond G., Verba S. The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963.

3. Pye Lucian W. Asian Power and Politics: The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1988.

4. Rich R. Pacific Asiain Quest on Democracy. Boulder: Lynne Rienne, 2007.

5. Laswell H. Politics: Who Gets What, When, How. N.Y.: Peter Smith Publishing, 1990.

6. Easton D. A Systems Analysis of Political Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Easton, 1979.

7. Benedict R. The Chrysanthenum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1946.

8. Nakane Chie. Japanese Society. Berkley: University of California Press, 1970.

9. Doi Takeo. The Anatomy of Dependence. London: Kodansha Europe, 1978.

10. Sugimoto Yoshio, Mauer Ross. Images of Japanese Society. London: Kegan Paul, 1986.

11. Putnam R. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.

12. Watanuki Joji. Materialist versus Postmaterialist Orientations in Japan // Research Papers. Institute of International Relations, Sophia University, 1979.

13. Richardson B. The Political Culture of Japan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.

14. Murakami Yasusuke. The Age of the New Middle Mass Politics: The Case of Japan // The Journal of Japanese Studies. 1982. Vol. 8 (Winter). P. 29-72.

15. Хаяси Синго. Синобиёру нэо-какуса сякай: [Подступающее новое общество неравенства]. Токио: Хэйбонся, 2005.

16. Tokuda Yasuharu, Inoguchi Takashi. In uence of Income on Health Status and Healthcare Utilizationin Working Adults: and Illustration of Health among the Working Poor in Japan // Japanese Journal of Political Science. 2009. Vol. 10. Pt.1 (June). P. 79-92.

17. Inoguchi Takashi. The Asia Barometer Survey Questionnaire of 2006 // Japanese Journal of Political Science. 2007, Vol. 8. Pt 3 (December). P. 427-453.

18. Inoguchi Takashi. Japanese Contemporary Politics: Towards a New Interpretation // Еd. by Rien Segers. A New Japan for the Twentyfirst Century: An Inside Overview of Current Fundamental Changes and Problems. London: Routledge.

19. McAllister I. The Personalization of Politics // The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. P. 571-588.

20. Ikegami Eiko. The Taming of the Samurai: Honorific Individualism and the Making of Modern Japan. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995.

21. IkegamiEiko. Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

22. Rizzolatti G., Arbib M. A. Language within Our Grasp // Trends in Neuroscience. 1988. Vol. 21. No. 5. P. 188-194.

23. Inoguchi Takashi. Japan’s Medieval Legacy // Asian Affairs. 1999. No. 9. P. 19-28.

24. Anderson P. Lineages of Absolutism. London: Verso, 1975.

25. Mann M. The Source of Social Power. Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

26. Inoguchi Takashi. Can Fukuda Handle Stress Left by Abe? // The Straits Times, 2007, September 27.

27. Иногути Такаси. «Кокумин» исики то гуробаридзуму - сэйдзи бунка-но кокусай бункэцу: [«Национальное» сознание и глобализм - международный анализ политической культуры]. NTT сюппан, 2004.

28. Thakur R., Inoguchi Takashi. Is Japan to main land Asia what Britain is to Europe? // Japan Times, 2003, November 9.

29. Inoguchi Takashi, Blondel J. Citizens and the State: Attitudes in Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia. London: Routledge, 2007.

30. Inglehart R. The Silent Revolution in Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.

31. Yomiuri Shimbun. Nihon-no yoron (Public Opinion in Japan), Tokyo: Yomiuri shimbunsha, 2002.

32. Inoguchi Takashi. Social Capital in East Asia: Comparative Political Culture in Confucian Societies, presented at the Asia Barometer Workshop and Symposium. Sydney: University of Sydney, 2006, December. P. 14-15.

33. White M. The Material Child: Coming of Age in Japan and America, N.Y.: Free Press, 1993.

34. Lipset M. American Exceptionalism, N.Y.: Norton, 1998.


Для цитирования:

Иногути Т. Политическая культура Японии. Ежегодник Япония. 2017;46:76-96.

For citation:

Inoguchi T. Japanese political culture. Yearbook Japan. 2017;46:76-96. (In Russ.)

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